Mannequin heads can also be attached to torsos and tailoring or tailoring molds. This increases the effectiveness of the form as it can be used to display complimentary items such as hats, scarves, etc., providing complete clothing, thereby further increasing its effectiveness as a sales aid.
Why use a mannequin head at all?
Some say that headless mannequins are better than headed mannequins because the head dates with the mannequin. While this is partly true, especially if a generic head is used, a properly chosen head will place the Mannequin to communicate with your target demographics.
For example, if you focused on the mature, sophisticated fashion segment, you would not choose ahead with a youthful face, because it sends the wrong message to your market and confuses the customer. They don’t know if the items shown relate to them or to another demographic group. Remember that the consistency of the promoted message or image is extremely important. A mixed message that seeks to cover an overly diverse audience usually seems unrelated and loses attention.
Branding and customization
But you say, “I can’t find the head I want, all the heads are the same or they belong to a certain demographic group.” In that case, you could have your head shaped, which can often be done in a surprisingly cheap way. Usually just a link to the desired image (age, facial expression, mood, features, etc.). Then, after shaping and shaping, it can be attached to a mannequin and you immediately have your own fashion or mannequin – one that is individual and relevant to your brand. In addition to targeting selected audiences, it further strengthens your brand’s position.
The grouping and arrangement of heads and molds is another aspect of the presentation that a visual marketer can create to maximize efficiency.
Abstract heads
Abstract heads when used with the abstract foundations of various forms provide an ideal way to create awareness and interest. They can be complete without features or they can have abstract facial features. And to complement the overall look, various glossy adjustments can be used that capture the reflections of light and make the mannequin stand out.
Another item to consider when choosing a mannequin head is a hairstyle. Although wigs can significantly supplement the head, their maintenance may not be attractive. In this case, the use of hard or shaped wigs may be considered. That is a wig that is an integral part of the head and is made of the same material. The properties are not the same as with a real wig, but it creates the impression of hair and completes the mannequin’s head.
View of mannequin heads
A mannequin’s head is a life-size head that includes all the features of the human face. Mannequin heads can be used in several different situations. They can be used to model hats, wigs, make-up, or as training dummies for people who are learning to cut hair at a beauty school. Mannequin heads can be made to look like all types of people and are made to measure, which gives them a realistic look that is almost scary.
Mannequin heads are often used in hat modeling shops. It is much easier and more efficient to use a mannequin’s head to expose a hat than a whole life-size mannequin. Stores can set up displays that include several mannequin heads in places as small as a table. Shops can use almost any type of mannequin head to display hats, they don’t have to be colored or have hair, but they can give buyers a better view of how hats will look like a real person.
Mannequin heads are also good for exposing wigs. Mannequin heads made to resemble different common head and face shapes can give people a good idea of what different wigs look like on different people. Since all people have unique faces, it’s a good idea to get mannequin heads that look different from each other so that customers can see how different colors and hair wigs highlight the faces of different people.
Mannequin heads with real human hair are often used in beauty schools as training tools. Students can learn what it’s like to cut a person’s hair by exercising on realistic Mannequin heads.
Mannequin heads are useful in many different situations. They can exhibit headgear and wigs and can be used as valuable training tools for beauty school students.
Read also : videovormedia.