A frat boy costume is very easy to recreate. All you need are some jean shorts, a t-shirt, and some writing. You can also choose a character from a movie and go as him! Listed below are some tips on how to get the perfect frat boy look. Let’s get started! Read on to learn how to create this unique look. And, don’t forget to buy matching accessories, such as sunglasses and belts.
Color and style are important in a frat boy outfit. A dark-colored suit with a white shirt is ideal for the frat scene, as is a pair of aviators. In addition to clothing, the right pair of shoes is also important. A blue suit would look shabby on a frat boy, while a red one would look too snobbish. However, if you are brave enough, you can choose a colored suit or a Prince of Wales pattern.
To make a beer can hat, all you need is an old baseball cap, some heavy-duty tape, and some plastic tubing. You can also follow the instructions in the video below. Once you’ve made your beer can hat, make sure to grab your favorite college sweatshirt and some white tube socks to complete your look. A pizza delivery costume is easy to make if you have a pizza box and 20 red plastic cups lying around your house.
You can even make your own frat boy costume. These costumes are based on popular t-shirts and tees worn by fraternity members. Using a gelled t-shirt makes it possible to create a unique look for a frat boy costume. You can also wear a croak shirt or a sperry topsider. You can even add some accessories, like shell necklaces and birkenstock shoes.