HomeBusiness10 Awesome Rarest Fortnite Gliders

10 Awesome Rarest Fortnite Gliders

Many players feel that gliders are not as important as outfits. There are certain Fortnite rare gliders that were just ignored by most players upon release, as most players don’t have the rarest gliders. These gliders cannot be obtained any longer in Fortnite, so if you want to complete your collection, you’d better get moving!

1. Royal X

The Royal X glider is the rare glider in Fortnite — but it didn’t start off that way. This glider was only available to those who paid for and completed Tier 42 of the Season 2 Battle Pass; that’s a lot of work, especially when you consider how many people bought as little as they had to in order to get the coolest and most coveted skins. But don’t worry!

2. Discovery Glider

The rare gliders in the game are the one that was given out as a gift to Samsung phone users. The Discovery, as it is called, looks good enough to make you want a Samsung smartphone just to use its glider skin. A classic example of a bundled glider is the one that is bundled with the purchase of a Samsung Galaxy phone.

3. Double Helix

The Double Helix Glider is another in a long line of gliders that are only available for purchase outside of the game. While it may be tempting to shell out for an entire console just for this item, careful purchases will ensure that your money is put to more productive use. This glider is so rare that you’d definitely want to make sure of your choice before purchasing it.

4. Aerial Assault 1

This glider is also a member of the Aerial Assault skin set. They are all part of the original Fortnite season 1 that started it all. This glider can be unlocked on level 5 in season one and is extremely rare, just like its skin counterpart. It’s actually the most accurate representation of that specific time period — with a 90s-style feel to it.

5. Rhinestone Rider

This outfit is made entirely out of denim and rhinestones, it is one that was only available for two days from the Fortnite store. This glider crashed and burned along with the outfit set — when you take into account the amount of ‘rare’ items that come out on a daily basis, it’s no wonder. It’s unlikely this outfit will ever become available again unless you buy your way into the beta…

6. High Octane

The High Octane Glider was the final reward in Season 3 of Fortnite: Battle Royale Season 3. This high-tier glider could only be unlocked by reaching tier 100 of the paid battle pass and completing a number of difficult challenges (among them, unlocking John Wick’s signature skin). However, by doing so, you received some of the game’s rarest loot — one of a kind, in this case.

7. Sir Glider

The Fortnite season 2 glider is the most legendary item in the game because it’s a physical object that you can actually have in your possession and use to glide around the map. Available during the Battle Pass season 2 event, only a few players have this rare collectible — and you never know when it will reappear in-game. If you miss out on this season 2 item, there’s no hope for you!

8. Mako

You’re missing out on one of Fortnite’s rarest gliders, the Mako glider. This glider was only available for a limited time as a seasonal item through the Fortnite: Battle Royale store. However, when this glider was originally added to the store, it contained a bug that gave it an infinite boost. As such, thousands of players managed to purchase this glider before Epic Games launched a bug fix that removed it from the sale.

9. Pivot

The Pivot glider is a limited edition cosmetic item that was originally offered as a bundle with the purchase of a high-end graphics card. Today, only the rare few who possess it know the truth behind this glider’s cryptic origins. It is widely considered to be one of the least attractive gliders in the game. ​However, there are rumors that this glider may soon become available once more — perhaps as an irregular drop from a certain fancy mouse.

10. The Dark Engine

The Dark Engine is an incredibly rare glider, ranking as the second-most unique of those that were part of Fortnitemares. The Dark Engine was only available to players who solved all of the Fortnitemares puzzles and hunted down an elusive Dark Fragment. This is the sort of memorable prize that will stick in players’ minds: the only thing you’ll find more memorable is taking out four opponents with a single emote.

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